Friday, May 28, 2010

Panda, I'll miss you....

I don't know what to say today....
Panda da tglkn akue...
macam tue jek...
He left me like I'm nothing to him
Same like everyone else...
He look as if he's in a very deep sleep
Like he's in the sweetest dream he could ever had...
You've finally free
you won't be bounded by this steel cage anymore
tader sape nak halang panda maen skang
Your playground will be as wide as the blue sky
pasniey takyah la panda gigit2 sngkar besi lagi^^
Cian Panagris...
sunyi jek tader panda...

saper la nk tmankn papa maen2 pasniey?
sapernak hburkn hati papa mase papa dok sowang2 kat umah?
sape nak bwat papa ktawe mase papa ngah moody?
Although I know you never love me like I did
well, you're a hamster, what can I expect right?
tpi Panda slalu wat papa ktawe
like what a true friend would do
papa ta prnah sedeyh kalo ngan Panda
sometimes I just wonder?
Am I fated to be alone
You guys left me like I have no feeling whatsoever
I'm tired....
faking all this smile
making everyone laugh while I'm torn inside
as everything that makes me laugh being taken away
Maybe you can call me crazy
or a lonely freak
I just don't care anymore

mne lgiey la papa akn dpt tgk muke yg comel tu?
Maen brgayut2 kat sngkar...
Sneak out dri sngkar pastu mrayap stu rumah
pastu nek chu trjret2 tgk pnda jln
I miss you so much...
I feel so lonely
grab you away from me just like that
as if I can feel no pain
as if this heart is made of steel
like how it grabs away everyone else
one by one away from me...

I'll continue walking on this path of life
though very exhausted
until we meet again^^
I'll never stop
I've given up on being happy
I'm sorry I can't stop myself from loving
I can't help but to keep you in my heart
although it'll leave a big hole in it
because I love you
Farewell, Panda
Fate torn us apart
Fate will bring us together again

someone who love you more that anyone in this world
who granted you more than just a pet
someone who's lonely enough
to be stupid enough
to love you more than anything in this world