Monday, May 10, 2010

lucky? what the f**k!?

my day today....
it was going pretty well
watching that super cool robert downey jr. in iron man 2
window shopping
but that's not the highlight of the day

one of my best-est friend, A, call me
and tell me his problem
like honestly
i kinda getting sick and tired of it
it's not like i'm such a bitch or whatever
but A's problem is always the same
he always put all the burden onto his shoulder
and it's a love problem
what the...
seeking for a solution for a love problem from a single person like me
i hate it when people talk about love with me
like my other best-est friend, R, who always talk about his girlfriend in front of me
plain annoying!
ok, back to the story
i just wanna tell you guys
when your other half starts to twist the fact
and blame you for no reason
actually that person is only finding an excuse to leave you!
and you should never want anyone that don't want or appreciate you!
you have your own life, for god sake
stop burdening your thought with that
because you're gonna be using that brain for a long time
i told that to A
but most of the time
i just do what i do best

but then
halfway trough the conversation
he tell me this,
"man, you're very lucky that person never love you back"
then that 'person' cross my mind
hurrmm... what does that suppose to mean?
then i remember
it's not like that 'person' never like me whatsoever
the point is i never even try!
as A keep mumbling about his problems
the thought of that 'person' keep orbiting my mind
like how the moon orbiting the earth
and the earth orbiting the moon
filling my just-a-few-megabyte-capacity memory.
lucky? what does that suppose to mean?
and don't let me start on how my first crush seek me for help regarding this person my first crush had crush on!
ugh! i'm crushed!