Wednesday, May 26, 2010

mankind is not so kind after all

hello blogers
posting this in a total upset
ak bru tgk gambo niyh
mcamne seorang pompuan ni pijak seekor kitten smpai mati and then continue pijak-ing until mate kitten trsebot ter-popped kluar.
ak rase cam nak nanges jek tengok gambo uh.
ya Allah, pe nak jdik la dunie skang niyh
bile pk2 balik, looking at my hamsters n all that
i'd never hurts an animal (exception for small, tiny, harmful insects)
even bntang yg plng ak bnci, lipas (wlaupun actually ak xkan bnh downg sbab ak geli n x sgup to even touch them) and tikus and cicak.
sbab bile dfikirkn balek, animals don't have a facial expression
kite tataw kalo dowang sedeyh ke, marah ke, saket ker
cam hamster ak an, kalo dowang saket poun muke dowang tetap cumel
macam kite saket tpi kite tanak owng tahu kite saket n tanak orang tu sedeyh so kite continue buat muke comel just to make orang tu hepi....
tu yg wat aku sedeyh sangat.
sometime ak nk ckp kat dowang: "tell me what are you fucking feeling already!"
pastu ak teringat video orng bunuh ank anjeng laut just to get their fur
what is that guys?
orng jenis ape yg sgt tak berperasaan snggup wat camtu!?
shame on you!!!!
camne la agaknye korang rase kalo anak2 korang kene bunuh pastu kulit dier kene siat2.
oh, i wish that poor cub's mother will did just that for revenge
but no. animal knows no revenge. their hearts are pure, unlike us.
korang ckp binatang tu bodo, tader akal
tapi korang tu? tuhan bagi akal poun ape gunenyer
n then aku teringat lak iklan kat tv psl pmbuangan bayi
it goes like this,

"di kalangan bintng xde manusie
tpi d klngn manusie ade bntng"
malu? dbndingkn dgn binatang?
binatang tu yg patot malu dbandingkn dgn korang!!
tader bnatang yg x sayng anak, tpi rmai je mnusie yg x sayang anak
tader bnatang yg sgop tnm ank dier hidop2, tpi ade jek mnusie bwat camtu
yeap, dowang mmg tader akal tpi at least kdudukn downg lgi mulie dri mnusie2 kji yg bwat mnde2 camtu
i'm writing this with anger and sadness ranging in my heart
i literally cried when i remember those pictures
the horrrible visuals i'll never be able to erase from my memory
why do we have to be so cruel to this innocent creature?
ak bknnyer vegetarian
ak just nk ckp, kalo kiter boleh respect other creatures, then who wouldn't respect us?
tuhan bagi kite akal bukan untuk dkuasai oleh nafsu...
I'm gonna cried myself to sleep tonight