Friday, July 30, 2010

a small shit in life

at home...
with my dearest flu....
owh shit
i was ok jek when i'm at ukm and now i catch a cold already...
a sign?
i dunno-lah....
here's some dialogue that i had with the doctors (or pgawai klinik brpngkat rndah tpi blagak bgos) these last few days


me: akak, nk jumpe dr arr... errmm... (ngan nada malu) tercekik tulang
akak kaunter: (yg aku prasan cam nak trgelak poun ade diek) arr... dik g emergency ea.. kat sane uh.
me: thnx
*g emergency the doors all locked and bile balik kaunter.... nobody's there


*went to the same clinic (ukm clinic)... meet the doctor already, doctor told me to go to the hospital to have x-ray... went to the counter...
akak kaunter: nah. adek amek surat ni and g hospitel
me: (ngan muke blur2 manje) sendiri?
akak kaunter: (ngan tenang) ha-ah. sendirik.
*and then followed by status fesbuk yg mncarot, mncaci maki phk klnik trsebot...
and then aku poun blk umah...


*went to clinics here at bp... swasta nyer.. thought everything going to be fine... but the dr is quite moody... sigh~
dr: sye akn beri awk antibiotik for the nanah..
me: tulng tu camner?
dr: mcm mne!? bio je la? sape nak korek!?
me: errr... ok! thnx! (smbl kuar ngan cpat and think: "seblom die wat aper ngan ak baek aku lari!!!!")


and that's how it went..
i think it is stupid
it is just a fucking fish's bone...
just one..... fucking fish's bone....
so now i'll just eat this BIG pills (yg mngigtkan ak kpade pil (pil ke?) yg dorang msokkan kt bontot budak kalo bdak tu dmam pns... igt x? that large pill? (pill ke?)) and hoping my white blood cell will eventually eat the fishbone until there'll be fishbone no more!!!
now i'll remember...
always take my breakfast before lunch
so that i'll will not eat gelojoh-ly and telan fish's bone...
and always ask the pakcik cafe, "ni ikan ape ek?"
(although that pakcik cafe look scary... i mean, like, menggode kind of scary.. ewww....)

and one more thing, kalo ade sesape offended ke whatsoever with my last post..
i'm so sorry....
i'm just soooo mad, you know..
my mental is quite unstable already...
i mean, like, seriously!? i talk politics!?
that's soooo not me

ok then
gotta chow...
this big pills making me feel kinda....