Friday, July 23, 2010

listening to we the king feat. demi lovato- we'll be dreams
i love demi's voice in that song!
it's kinda lame i don't have anything to blog@babble about now
like how the water crisis here ruin my mood
guys and water crisis is never a good combination, fyi
once you enter a toilet on a water crisis....
you'll never even want to look at choki2 again.........

what a life here
like, when i first start blogging i've promised to myself i'll never talk about my life here
i thought of writing poem...
songs and stuff...
fashion blogging a lil' bit.....
but now in each post i keep on babbling about my life
i wanna go back to my writing songs day!!!!!!!!!!!!
life quite boring and dull here......
what the heck!!!
KL is like not far away from here
but i still feel nothing
well, seriously
i only feel lively when i'm in KL
the atmosphere.....
the hectic environment....
the fashion.....
owh my God
people in KL have good taste when it comes to fashion
almost each woman that passed by me
the phrase "nice heels" came into my mind......

weyh seyes ak da tader pape lgi nk post
mampos arr wat penin paler plak ak nak pke ape nk tulis
blog ak suketi aku arr nak update ke nk bio brsawang ke
n plus, i'm not the kind that tell story kayh...
story of my life
what the heck!
hmmmm... pasni upload gambo arr
ugh... so whatev!