Friday, July 16, 2010

love layali-san

before ak stat
nak thanx aten coz promote my blog
u're being too kind girl...
but don't expect me to promote ur blog

well tgh chat ngan kakak yg baek dri german niyh
die kte mgu lpas die tron kl tpi mlu nak kontek ak...
sdangkan bru mgu lpas aku tron kl kowt...
tpi g midvalley jek la....
she's soooo nice ^^
and she said she love malaysia and hate germany
i asked her why
because i sometime feel like i hate malaysia too (no offense here)
when i see pictures of other country and i was like:
"why can msia be that beautiful??"
i mean, like, wide grassland, beautiful mountains and stuff....
but she said it like she really mean it
like: "i hate germany" and "germany sucks totally"
and i asked her why
she said msia got lots of tech and entertainments
and she add
in german she can't even walk freely without someone bothering about her hijab
and she says people there is selfish
and only watch their own ass (yes, she cursed)
and she even considered staying and working here
she's soooooo fuckin sweet (yes, we both cursed a lot. sweet right?)
and it's kinda freaky
but she really understand me!!
can u hold for a sec?

"go to sleep lucy!!! ur attics is cute, like, the first ten thousand times i see it!! ugh!!"

interruption..... sorry. my hamster. hahahaha
where was i again?
u know people who, like talk a lot in the virtual world of online, doesn't talk too much in the real world right?
well, except for people i really2 know
so i tell her
she might be shocked to know i'm shy and quiet outside
although i speak a lot online
and she say it's ok
if she meet a shy person she'll talks a lot until that person will become comfortable
she's sooooo nice
she also give me her msia phone no so i can call her if she ever come here again
so sweet!!!!
i can't wait to hangout with u, sis layali-san!!
owh wait
she also said the only job she can do there with hijab is cleaner!!
that poun work with her brother jek
i hate discrimination like that!!
and she also said before she wears hijab she work as a manager at a telecommunication company!!!
well, i tell her if she wanna come here and work in malaysia i'll be welcoming her with an open arm ^^
and my sister said:
"u believe everything she said?"
wat do u think i am!?
i ain't naive!!!
ok maybe i've been lied to many times before like when the pakcik jual tiket bas don't give me my ticket although i had paid for it and then claim he already give me the ticket and i have to buy another one but i promise that would be the last time!!!
i swear!!!
plus, she seems nice....
maybe we should just wait and see

and hey!!
i forget to tell you
when in the comuter
i saw this two guys
they're like sooo kewl i think if i were a girl i'll definitely fall for them
that's a lil' weird
but i'm tellin the truth
they look sooo kewl
and this one cool scruffy guy kinda remind me of tyson ritter (if i spell his name right) of the all-american rejects
and then i look at myself
regular shirt... regular tak-basoh-sminggu jeans....
and i remember azrai said to me:
"tak ape. tu mmg stail ko. cam owang tue"
peace love music gaga....