Tuesday, July 27, 2010


hectic uni life!!!
i hate it!! but i kinda like the independent part of it
it's like i'm already a grown up man doing things all by myself
(ngan lgu celine dion-all by myself brmaen sbagai lgu latar)

i have to use my voices to the max here...
i got nasyid (can't believe i actually msok nasyid) and choir practice
and it'll get all hectic during this musim convo!!
practice night and day
tired meyh...
and i still got this fuckin fish bone stuck in my throat...
hey, know wat?
there's one rachel berry in my nasyid group who think he is better than anyone else
well, guess what?
i'm following mercedes's advice:
"i am no kelly rowland. i am beyonce"
i always sing louder and with pitch higher that him
so he'll feel bengang!!
but bcoz my voice is not that loud (bak kate akak kat pjabat kolej uh, halus)
it don't really work

taw tak an like mase naek bas tadi
ade la sowang mamat arab neyh
bas tu ssak an so die soh ak msok dlm lgi (dlm english arr die ckp)
tpi sbab ak da nk smpai dstinasi ak
so ak nak ckp arr taper, ak da nak trn dah
ngan bngenye ak brbicare dlm bahse english, my second language
"it's ok. i'm going to (stuck) TURUN at the next stop"
pastu ak ngan klassmate ak dok gelak sokmo
mamat arab tu da blur jek tgk kitowang glak
die ckp, "it's ok2."
ntah paper jek ak.. wat malu kaum teslian tol arr....

and ak bru taw
biasiswa kpm only applicable to ipg and upsi student jek
fuck you, kpm!!!
i need money you friggin bastards!!! arrggghhh!!!!
i mean, no offense to ipg student tpi bkan kowng da ade allowance ke?
and upsi students
they only wear kmeje and suar slacks jek kowt..
they don't need that much money anyway
we, on the other hand, need money to buy clothes and stuff
i mean, takkanla nak msok klas with don't-u-just-wear-this-shirt-yesterday appearances....
i need that friggin money
i swear to God ak takan skong krajaan nnti mse ak da bleyh ngundi bcoz they don't give us university students enough money while they go berjoli-ing and building parliament's house (unnecessary: those ministers have enough house already) and palaces (fuckin unnecessary: those raje have enough palace already and they seldom use it and they let it become empty so that the crew of misteri nusantara can continue carik makan selling ridiculous ghost stories)
now, no wonder uni student bnyk brpihak kt parti pmbangkang....

i talk politics!!!!
what happening to me!!!???