Tuesday, July 13, 2010


when I enter matriculation college owang ckp it'll be the toughest of all
tpi I think compared to U life, matrics is, like, kindergarten
you have to do, like, everything here!!
why am I talking like I'm actually writing a formal essay?
look what've gotten into me.....

I really miss my friend at matrics
and it good to know that I'm actually not the only one
I mean, I don't wanna be the one people will say,
"move on, already, freak! u're not a kid anymore! toys can't talk and babies don't come from belly button" at....
that's why
I wish I am and will always be a kid

eating lemau chipsmore biscuits (blieve me they taste better once they're lemau)
listening to Glee-faithfully over and over again
and watching Fred Figglehorn to have a little laugh....
it's kinda weird it's a little boring here
I don't know people here don't match what I imagine before I came here
even my classmates
but I don't know maybe things will get better eventually
well, I met this kind senior name Joy
she's so sweet and I'll never give her my facebook address because I put my blog link in it and I don't want her to know I think her sweet
she keep saying she'll give me her old note
and I don't know how to response to that
should I say:
"you're soooo nice"?
what if she say:
"what you think I'm not nice ha?"
plus '"you're soooo nice" sound kinda gedik and weird right?
plus she's a girl and I'm a boy
"you're soooo nice" should never come out of my mouth
it has to be a little bit more manly like:
"thank you, miss."
errrr.... not?
so what should I say then?
but trust me, " you're sooo nice" is like the first thing that ever come to my mind
I mean since the first day she keep offering me her note
and saying I'm her direct(?) junior
because people keep saying, like, it's hard to approach senior
so I was like shocked when the senior actually approach me
ok ok. here's one more line that came across my mind:
"I don't know kind people like you still exists in this cruel world"
overreacted, eh?
I don't know
then I meet this girl, my classmate
she called herself Peng
but her real name is Syuhada
so I came out with a theory where 'peng' come from
so people are calling her 'syud' which sounds like 'shoot'
and when you shoot someone the sound is like 'peng!' right?
so that's my theory where the name Peng come from
intelligent, eh?
she kinda remind me of patty by the way she talk but she's less becok
so then the other guy in my class, Asri
quite quiet guy... dunno maybe kitorang ta skepale kowt...
oh, and he's from kelantan
would I sound racist if I say I don't wanna be friend with the malay student here because most of them are from utare and speak in strong accent and I don't wanna (tnpe disedari) follow their accent? you know, like, Madonna? speaking in fake Brit accent? so is it racist if I just befriend with the chinese or people from johor, kl or anywhere that don't have accent? waaaaaaaaaaa............ it's so confusing.....
but asri is quite nice and he didn't speak too pekat accent
and then my other classmate Pei Si
she looks confused
I don't know why... but she look confused
and kelam kabut like that larr...
hehehehe... so cute
errrrrrr.... forget what I just said
so this mean I won't be giving my facebook address to her too
tomorrow got no class
but I hhave nothing else to blog about
so till then
peace love music gaga