Monday, July 19, 2010

i need a sip of creativity

i thought of uploading some pic
but because this wifi is lamely slow
like how they sell air kumbahan yang dirawat instead of mineral water in the cafe
or the lousy bus driver who's very 'punctual'
i don't think there'll be any picture uploading tonight
(pe kne mngene?)

well, whatever....
so i remember about how i told hajar to try to write a song
u know she's resting after she had this accident
and told me she was bored in her recuperating period
so i told her to write a song
so i remember she told me how her mother actually help to clean her wound involving this knife and stuff
i don't really know how to explain it
but tabek spring at her mom!!!
i'm bad with sharp clinical metal shit
like their scalpel, scissors and stuff
because i always have a thought that they were so sharp they can cut you even if you slightly touch them
and i have serious problem with blood
real blood
but i have no probs with fake blood they use in the movie
yes, i know. i'm weird
so i told her
try to write a song about your mom
like (i came out with a brilliant tittle):
The Guardian Angel With A Knife
and she's............ scared
ok, there's nothing scary or psycho about that tittle ok
it's more like emo
so while she's still struggling with the lyrics i came up with a bits
it sound like this:

Guardian angel with a knife
Takes out my scar tissue and let the new one grows
Heal my wounded heart
And keep me from falling apart

smart, no?
i don't know my creativity level has been down this few weeks
oh wait
maybe there'll be a pic
next post
ciaou!! ^^
peace love music gaga