Friday, July 2, 2010

I miss the old time (part 2) (part 1)

still a little bit unwell
ok, dats a lot of unwell actually
da nak msok u ni mcm2 lak halnyer.. hahahaha
so the sec. part of 'I miss the old time', eh?

first sori kalo content post ni mnyinggung mne2 pihak
I'm going to post it anyway :p

so I think I miss a lot of stuff in the first part
like the 1.10 spa, maggi feast and how I cried when taking my final sem 1 exam because my dearest buddy, mr. Tipsy left me.
so I'm going to make it more organized for the sec part

so I've always loove catfight
sem2 adela gak catfight so I think I'm going to rank the catfight of this sem.... tat ta-da....
3~me vs. crad
it's just a misunderstanding. ak hanto crad sms (yg ak rase biase2 jek) and then crad slh fahm. conclusion: ini sume slh crad! muahahahaha!!! but then akhrnye crad nk jgak maafkan ak stelah ak rasuah cokelat kat dier... hmmm...
2~hajar vs. zuey
so we all know that they're both very close partner-in-crime so what actually happened? tader sape taw sbab dowang brdue (especially zuey) sgt secretive owangnyer... huk huk huk (sedeyh ta dpt brgosip). tapi it all started mse ade sumber yg ckp downg nmpak zuey n hjr brgado which leads to hjr crying in the lecture hall and dowang ta rpt lgi since that.... hmm....
1~fatin vs. rafiqah
meowww!!! pas faiz ciaou group abba dowang mule brantakan. emy mule brkwn dgn abe aiman n then fatin stat prang dgn with rafiqah. the details still kinda blur. but it all ends after rafiqah ciaou mse awl sem 2... dgor kte ikout boyfren dier g uitm sgamat.. (gosip jap). hmmm.....

so mse sem 2 dowang stat pcahkn praktikum yg hjng2 untok bdak fzkal sbab bdak fzkal ni sket, ta rmai poun so ade tige owang bru msok ke praktikum kitowang..
hannah ni len sket cos dier ni seems smart n pndiam sket mse mule2 tpi bile dier da bkak mulot... lgi laser dri afeq!! ouchh!! ak da x igt plak contoh2 klaseran dier tpi tpi dier mmg laser arr. enuff said. hahahaha. tpi jgn men2 sme ini bdak. sgt pndai kowt dier niyh... genius. huhuhu
mamat ni suke psiko owang. hahahaha. bkan calang2 nyer psiko. i mean, owang yg brani psiko mr hardy should be given really extra credit 4 that. tpi mamat ni bek n sensitip owangnyer rupe2nyer... huhuhu
sokrang yg garang n tegas tpi caring sengsgt.. (i can't believe i'm talking like this). hahahaha. smpai kitowang sumer pgl dier mama. tpi dier ni resourceful owngnyer. ta mngharap bntuan owang len n so independent. besh gak arr ade die cos bleyh add colours to our praktikum yg pnoh ngan bdak2 yg kuwang matang pmikiran (trmasok ak). besh gak skali skale kne mrh... huhuhu

so for koko praktikum kitowng dpt puisidra. pnat kitowang brlatih siang mlm n yg pling serius bout all of this puisidra thingy of cos arr mama... huhuhu. besh tol bile trkenang blek time uh... huhuhu. and mse hri kitowng nk prform tu chaos giler!! hahaha. the last minute training and how syamir mrh2 ak cos i can't walk properly as a prison warden. ugh. buzz off, syamir. i can beat you with a single leg in a catwalk competition. muahahahahaha!!!
and then there was the annual dinner night. although collecting money from all these guys were a pain in the ass (like, all the time!) but the night went well. we're all having good times and that night jugak we're announced the winner of the puisidra!! we were all screaming like crazy tpi mama ade nmpak disappointed sket cos iqbal yg amek hdiah ats pntas. in the sense of provocation, i asked mama, "bkan ptotnyer ko yg amek ker?" (dgn tnduk yg mkin mmnjang) pastu mama dgn leyh brjoke lgi jwb, "tula... pnat setting lawo2 neyh". huhuhu.. hepi giler kitowang mlm tu...
pastu lina lgi skali bgi quote of the sem bile die ditegor oleh sokrang bdak karisma. mse tu kitowang tgh sronok2 amek gambo. lwat gak arr mse tu.. pastu dtg due owang dak karisma kt kitowang.sowang attack ak.. ak poun pe lgi cpat2 wat2 mcm ngah sibok brkemas. hahaha. scene bdak krisma tu dgn lina lebeyh kuang camniey arr:

krisma: nk brseronok tu ade msenye (nda suare agk garang). dah! balek2!!
lina: eleh. tak kan aku nk mngatal ngan betine pulak!?

mse tu bru ak trigat: "abes? ak ni ape?" (mse tu ak sowang jek dak laki2. bak kte owang thorn among the roses. hahaha) yg ade kt crime scene mse tu trmasok arr fida, crad, net, almas n sowang lgi spe ek....

ak rase cam da tls bnyk sgt plak. sok ak smbong la ea... nk bace naruto yg bru kuar ni dlu.. chow chin chow!!!