Saturday, August 7, 2010

fren fwen fwenzy!!

long time no blogging...
long time not feeling this shitty..
maybe because i have to do my laundry all over again because it is raining and i'm stuck in dectar singing choir (but i doubt the rain actually fell bcause of my singing, seriously)
tired... and i'm feeling like catching a fever..
don't get me wrong
i don't want the fever.. it's just a phrase
i remembered my conversation with afiq;

me: aku rase cam nak dmam arrr
afiq: da ko yg nak dmam, jdinye dmam arr! hawaw!
me:errrrr.... g mkan yok. lapo arr..

hmmmm.... how i miss that guy and his mulut-laser-attics that most of the time got me giggling and mnyinggul2 him as a sign of warning and reminder for him to actually be polite (kalo ngan lecturer ngan makcik cafe poun nak laser ta bragak arr weyh...)
and sometime make me feel very kecik hati... hurrrmmmm...
making friends in university is quite hard because
we're so far away
and we seldomly hangout together unless when we have or after class
thank God i got a pretty cool coursemates that is actually are almost as crazy as i am
it's not like i don't have a cool and crazy coursemate before
crad, almas, lina, amil and my physical20 friends..
u guys are the coolest!
kowang tak lyn Lady Gaga like they actually do!
sometime bes gak kalo ade owng yg kite leyh share with our music interest
kan? kan? kan?
hmmmm..... what else to babble about?

while listening to Taylor Swift's Forever and Always ttibe terigt plak nasihat mak akue (pe kne mngene?)

mak: man ni jgnla kawan kalo ngan owng tu owng tu jek la smpai ke akhr kes? nak kwn tu biarlh (ala2 Bob Kuman dlm citer Jutawan Fakir) berjuta juta juta...
me: errrr..... apekah?

ntah arr..
i think it is better for me to befriend with only that person but have a true everlasting friendship rather than befriending with (ala2 Bob Kuman dlm citer Jutawan Fakir) berjuta juta juta friends but none of the is actually a true friend of yours.. (generally speaking, yours. specifically, mine. get it?)
don't you feel the same shit?
i mean i'd rather not have a friend at all than actually have a fake friend
i don't know how to fake a smile
so, what make you think i can actually fake a friendship?
i don't go around being sooo-not-myself and talk to some stranger guys about hows the soccer game last night or nice it 125erz? (or whatever the name is)
i talk fashion, gaga. so what?
if you think i am weird you can go screw yourself and call that fucking normal
and i am so tak tahn with person who actually see me sitting alone or eating alone and then come to me and ask me, "knape mkn sorang2 ni? kwn mne?"
what the...
i am no fucking kindergarten kiddo who needs a potty training anymore, ok?
(no offense to all the cute kids out there)
i am 19 going 20 and i can take a good fucking care of myself
i don't need your sympathy to stand on this cruel world
i already have my own fucking feet, thank you.
(wow, i'm being so polite tonight.. what has gone into me? 'thank you'? pft..)

and i am warning to all of you who is reading my blog out there
don't comment or say anything about my post in front of my fucking face, ok?
this is my blog and i'm gonna write any fucking things that i want either it is personal or not
imma bitch, yo! (ttibe nak rap)
i think i'm gonna get going and wash this... ugh! irritating clothes that can't seem to be aware of the rain and just sit there on the ampai waiting for the rain to wash them again
i hope apollo will be nice to me tomorrow...
peace out!