Sunday, August 29, 2010

hmmm.... hurrmmm.... yeap.

oh shit I am soooo damn tired!!
but i felt guilty for leaving my blog unattended for sooo long.
well, I need to recuperate from all of this puasa-raya post-partum thingy you know..

ahem2. whatever it is I'm all back and well now
well although my roommate still plays sad raya song using loudspeaker I don't really care that much.
I've my own weapon. Playlist with heck full of English songs!!!
muahahahahahahahaha!!! How about that for a counter attack!! dush2!!
and when I felt bored with my playlist, I'll just watch Friends...
good show.. I wish I'm big enough to understand how good the series is when it is in it golden era... when everyone wants Rachael haircut and when Pheobe's fashion sense is still acceptable...

*sigh* I'm so tired... just finish the slide show for tomorrow presentation
I never know doing slide show is that hard
geez.... if I were to become a teacher (which I will) I'll prefer chalk and blackboard
but I can't stand the dust though....
now I know how hard it is to become a teacher
there's one subject called Teaching Profession which exposed to this whole thingy of being a teacher
man I was wrong when I say taking a TESL course is easier than chemical engineering or, you know, mere engineering. whatever.
sheesshhh... am I taking about study now here?
and one more thing-I HATE E-LEARNING!!!!!
it takes all the fun that is the internet!!
each time I went online the only thing that (have to) came into my mind is
"owh I have to open up www..... for my next assignment" or "I have to register at www..... to do exercises"
when is internet was all fun and no errr.... no fun?
I don't even have time to plant anything on my farmville
and my animals are starving in my zoo-which I feel so bad because I am an animal lover
sheessshhhh!!! damn it! damn it!!
owh... I'm sooo depressed..
and there are (actually, true) story about how a student was soo stressed he went cuckoo and cut his wrist and jump from the fourth floor of the building!
how cool is that!!??
imagine you're walking to class and suddenly, "ops, I just step on a body"
but it didn't happen in my college though..
it happens at Pendeta Zaaba College which has a record of student died because of falling down the fourth floor too, but not suicide of course..
maybe it is a kind of curse?
because it is so far away from here I can't go there and act all Nancy Drew and go investigate it
like how I did when someone broke into my room when I was in matrics
but that 'investigation' actually doesn't lead anywhere too....
but I still believe who(or maybe what)ever did that is a psycho...
I mean leaving the crime scene as neat as it can within a short period of time..
aaahhhhh... that is like the coolest day of my life..
I'm a victim!!! the other day I was a nobody and the next day, I am THE VICTIM!!!
how cool is that? huh? huh?

owh I'm feeling very sleepy right now...
blame that for all the shits I wrote just now...
I'm feeling high with sleepiness...
maybe I am overdooze??? hahahahahahahahaha. get it? overdooze? hahahahahahahahaha.
till next time!!!