Monday, August 9, 2010


wake up in the morning feeling like - no, not P. Diddy - a shitty...
geez.. that sound almost like a slutty....
sore throat, shortness of breath, you name it
ugh... just a reminder on how much i hate fever..
thank God it doesn't mess with my sinus thingy...
hmmm.... that's weird. it didn't mess with my sinus thingy...
in the morning when i wake up i don't feel like doing anything (ok. i know i'm not a morning person and everyday when i woke up i don't feel like doing anything but this is a whole different thing)
i feel like just lay there on my bed and play dead.. hoping i can get over with this fever thingy...
but i keep eating greasy and spicy food
you can't blame me, though. i'm not going to spend my day eating soup! i've feel shitty enough!
and this ptptn thingy... are they, like, asleep the whole time?
i've been calling, like, most of the time and no one (there's better be no one. i can't find any other logical reason. i mean, asleep? are you kidding me?) is there to answer my calls....
dah la i'm already considerate enough to call them as i don't think i want to talk with anyone with my sore (very sore) throat and Macy Gray's voice..
i really don't feel like talking to anyone.....
i feel like lying there in my bed doing nothing until the fever vanish on their own...
let alone sings in the choir for the convo ceremony...
nah, i'll just mime...... (although i think my sexy voice will bring a difference in that rather boring choir)
plus, it's not my fault i have to call them (like the last time i have to admit i didn't checked properly. or maybe it is just her luck. or maybe my bad luck)
i mean, who put a deceased man as the penjamin?
that's sooo stupid. how am i supposed to get his signature
well, although i won't mind him coming to give me his signature... i miss my old man..
hmm... whatev.
and what with my roommate?
haven't heard of this magnificent invention called THE EARPHONES is one thing..
playing lagu raya when we're not even fasting yet is another!
i mean, he's a nice guy..
he helped switched off the fan when he sees me grabbing my brown elderly-looking sweater and shivering with cold... and help putting my hanger back at its place when i dropped it, trying to get my sweater. plus, he looks concern.. (although i thank God he didn't come to me and do the i-pull-your-blanket-to-cover-you-cause-i-know-you-are-cold-and-i'm-concern or whatever you called it thingy.. that would be freaky)
as much as i don't (really) like him, i can say i felt a little bit errr... terharu
ok. now i sound like a sick, dying person.
back to this lagu raya thingy... it's not like i hate it..
it's just that... i hate the memory that come with it..
you'll never know unless you've lost a lot of someone in your life
i just hate the fact that i keep comparing the latest (i can't seem to find other suitable words) raya wuth the past one..
the one that is more lively, cheerful.. not just sit there on the living room watching entah ape2 show that aired on the television... (although many kids think it is totally appropriate nowadays)
why can't i just moved on already?
for some reason, on certain level, i'll hate hari raya like how Uncle Scrooge hate christmas (pe kne mngene uncle scrooge?)
the point where i'll lose more someone in my life and there i'll be
sitting alone in my lovely apartment with it walls painted dove gray
watching entah ape2 shows on my big-screen plasma television
on the first day of raya......
as gloomy as it may sounds.. especially when the walls is painted with dove gray colour..
hmmm...... maybe i'll adopt a cat. or maybe a chimpanzee.
and then i can sleep with a bunch of kids and be the next Michael Jackson...
i'm going to continue lying on my bad now...
until i can feel less shitty and stop saying crappy stuff...
till then