Friday, July 30, 2010

a small shit in life

at home...
with my dearest flu....
owh shit
i was ok jek when i'm at ukm and now i catch a cold already...
a sign?
i dunno-lah....
here's some dialogue that i had with the doctors (or pgawai klinik brpngkat rndah tpi blagak bgos) these last few days


me: akak, nk jumpe dr arr... errmm... (ngan nada malu) tercekik tulang
akak kaunter: (yg aku prasan cam nak trgelak poun ade diek) arr... dik g emergency ea.. kat sane uh.
me: thnx
*g emergency the doors all locked and bile balik kaunter.... nobody's there


*went to the same clinic (ukm clinic)... meet the doctor already, doctor told me to go to the hospital to have x-ray... went to the counter...
akak kaunter: nah. adek amek surat ni and g hospitel
me: (ngan muke blur2 manje) sendiri?
akak kaunter: (ngan tenang) ha-ah. sendirik.
*and then followed by status fesbuk yg mncarot, mncaci maki phk klnik trsebot...
and then aku poun blk umah...


*went to clinics here at bp... swasta nyer.. thought everything going to be fine... but the dr is quite moody... sigh~
dr: sye akn beri awk antibiotik for the nanah..
me: tulng tu camner?
dr: mcm mne!? bio je la? sape nak korek!?
me: errr... ok! thnx! (smbl kuar ngan cpat and think: "seblom die wat aper ngan ak baek aku lari!!!!")


and that's how it went..
i think it is stupid
it is just a fucking fish's bone...
just one..... fucking fish's bone....
so now i'll just eat this BIG pills (yg mngigtkan ak kpade pil (pil ke?) yg dorang msokkan kt bontot budak kalo bdak tu dmam pns... igt x? that large pill? (pill ke?)) and hoping my white blood cell will eventually eat the fishbone until there'll be fishbone no more!!!
now i'll remember...
always take my breakfast before lunch
so that i'll will not eat gelojoh-ly and telan fish's bone...
and always ask the pakcik cafe, "ni ikan ape ek?"
(although that pakcik cafe look scary... i mean, like, menggode kind of scary.. ewww....)

and one more thing, kalo ade sesape offended ke whatsoever with my last post..
i'm so sorry....
i'm just soooo mad, you know..
my mental is quite unstable already...
i mean, like, seriously!? i talk politics!?
that's soooo not me

ok then
gotta chow...
this big pills making me feel kinda....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


hectic uni life!!!
i hate it!! but i kinda like the independent part of it
it's like i'm already a grown up man doing things all by myself
(ngan lgu celine dion-all by myself brmaen sbagai lgu latar)

i have to use my voices to the max here...
i got nasyid (can't believe i actually msok nasyid) and choir practice
and it'll get all hectic during this musim convo!!
practice night and day
tired meyh...
and i still got this fuckin fish bone stuck in my throat...
hey, know wat?
there's one rachel berry in my nasyid group who think he is better than anyone else
well, guess what?
i'm following mercedes's advice:
"i am no kelly rowland. i am beyonce"
i always sing louder and with pitch higher that him
so he'll feel bengang!!
but bcoz my voice is not that loud (bak kate akak kat pjabat kolej uh, halus)
it don't really work

taw tak an like mase naek bas tadi
ade la sowang mamat arab neyh
bas tu ssak an so die soh ak msok dlm lgi (dlm english arr die ckp)
tpi sbab ak da nk smpai dstinasi ak
so ak nak ckp arr taper, ak da nak trn dah
ngan bngenye ak brbicare dlm bahse english, my second language
"it's ok. i'm going to (stuck) TURUN at the next stop"
pastu ak ngan klassmate ak dok gelak sokmo
mamat arab tu da blur jek tgk kitowang glak
die ckp, "it's ok2."
ntah paper jek ak.. wat malu kaum teslian tol arr....

and ak bru taw
biasiswa kpm only applicable to ipg and upsi student jek
fuck you, kpm!!!
i need money you friggin bastards!!! arrggghhh!!!!
i mean, no offense to ipg student tpi bkan kowng da ade allowance ke?
and upsi students
they only wear kmeje and suar slacks jek kowt..
they don't need that much money anyway
we, on the other hand, need money to buy clothes and stuff
i mean, takkanla nak msok klas with don't-u-just-wear-this-shirt-yesterday appearances....
i need that friggin money
i swear to God ak takan skong krajaan nnti mse ak da bleyh ngundi bcoz they don't give us university students enough money while they go berjoli-ing and building parliament's house (unnecessary: those ministers have enough house already) and palaces (fuckin unnecessary: those raje have enough palace already and they seldom use it and they let it become empty so that the crew of misteri nusantara can continue carik makan selling ridiculous ghost stories)
now, no wonder uni student bnyk brpihak kt parti pmbangkang....

i talk politics!!!!
what happening to me!!!???

Sunday, July 25, 2010

bloody good movie

ok i have, like, ten more minutes to use this brodband
so i'll make this short and quick
which husband do you prefer
a) a sparkling 'dead' husband who drinks blood, or
b) a husband that can go into your dream, plan an idea and make you go crazy and suicide?
you are boring.....
just watch eclipse (maybe i'm the last to watch it, but whatever) and inception
two movie combo for one day!!
first timer
i have no complaints for Eclipse
i mean, when people say how sucks New Moon is, i was like, "are u out of ur mind? it was good. i can definitely feels bella's pain!"
and my sis was like, "wat the heck....."
so i was bad at judging movies....
but Eclipse is quite good
can't believe i almost went for team Jacob
i mean, in that movie Jacob is very kesian lorh...
getting himself injured badly, trying soo hard to impress Bella and convince her that she love him
sometime i was like, "prasan gile mamat ni. da orang ta suke tu da arr... (over skejap)"
but he's kinda sweet
i like it in the end of the movie he said to Bella he'll not give up even after Bella's heart stop beating (meaning: become a vampire)
but why am i on team Edward?
well, let just say i would rather Bella to be sparkling, pale vampire than hairy overtanned werewolves
plus the werewolves clan look soooo old-fashion
it's like they're still living in the red indian era
at least the vampire clan look modern and fashion forward
so, team Edward it is for me
team Jacob can suck it :p

and then Inception
like the best movie of 2010!!!
this Nolan guy is a fuckin genius at making movie I tell ya!
and Leo Dicaprio is still as charming as ever
his character is quite the same as in the Shutter Island
i mean, loving dad, romantic (quite) husband but married to a psycho
the only difference is in Shutter Island his wife is like naturally psycho
but in Inception, he make his wife a psycho
get it?
poor Leo's character... he deserved better
hmmmm..... whatever
but Shutter Island ain't got nothing on Inception!
it is the best
although i'm still a lil' bit confused with all this dream in a dream in a dream in a dream shit
but by the the movie start rolling the element of suspense start filling the cinema theater (hahahahaha... bahse skema)
but it's damn true!!!
i almost bite the mineral bottle cap out of the bottle itself!
i was like, "cpatla! cpatla! aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!"
and the ending was great!
but it's still a sad ending though
i just hope the fuckin top stop spinning already!!
poor that guy
he have been through so much already
you're probably confused with what i'm talking about and maybe some of you went, like:
"owh this mamat ngarot cam biasak arr..."
you know what i'll say?
well, i'll say, "get your ass off the couch and go watch inception already because it is bloody good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Friday, July 23, 2010

miss memory, stand up please

i ask azrai
"normal tak kalo aku lebeyh rndukan hmster2 ak yg da mti
dri famili aku sendirik?"
and then I ask myself
I think I know the answer best
after a long thought of think that should've been felt (like usual-lah)
I think....
mungkin lbeyh baek kalo kite knangkan mmori yg ta bgitu mnyakitkan
dripade knang bnde yg lbeyh mnyakitkan?
I mean,
I love my hamster so damn much
but it's nothing compared to my love to abah, nenek, tok wok
all my friends that were separated through time
and now, i'm in my room, alone
in this big fucking university
I can't even find someone that can replace their place
I mean, my fren-la....
takkan my abah and tok wok and nenek pulak....
I hate memory
memory is like the cruel, evil queen
always give attention to the slightest details
making us remember the whole shit, like, forever
I wonder why that doesn't work out during lecture or exam...
gotta go la
sadam is here
so taleyh arr upload lebeyh2
intruder alert!!!

listening to we the king feat. demi lovato- we'll be dreams
i love demi's voice in that song!
it's kinda lame i don't have anything to blog@babble about now
like how the water crisis here ruin my mood
guys and water crisis is never a good combination, fyi
once you enter a toilet on a water crisis....
you'll never even want to look at choki2 again.........

what a life here
like, when i first start blogging i've promised to myself i'll never talk about my life here
i thought of writing poem...
songs and stuff...
fashion blogging a lil' bit.....
but now in each post i keep on babbling about my life
i wanna go back to my writing songs day!!!!!!!!!!!!
life quite boring and dull here......
what the heck!!!
KL is like not far away from here
but i still feel nothing
well, seriously
i only feel lively when i'm in KL
the atmosphere.....
the hectic environment....
the fashion.....
owh my God
people in KL have good taste when it comes to fashion
almost each woman that passed by me
the phrase "nice heels" came into my mind......

weyh seyes ak da tader pape lgi nk post
mampos arr wat penin paler plak ak nak pke ape nk tulis
blog ak suketi aku arr nak update ke nk bio brsawang ke
n plus, i'm not the kind that tell story kayh...
story of my life
what the heck!
hmmmm... pasni upload gambo arr
ugh... so whatev!

Monday, July 19, 2010

i need a sip of creativity

i thought of uploading some pic
but because this wifi is lamely slow
like how they sell air kumbahan yang dirawat instead of mineral water in the cafe
or the lousy bus driver who's very 'punctual'
i don't think there'll be any picture uploading tonight
(pe kne mngene?)

well, whatever....
so i remember about how i told hajar to try to write a song
u know she's resting after she had this accident
and told me she was bored in her recuperating period
so i told her to write a song
so i remember she told me how her mother actually help to clean her wound involving this knife and stuff
i don't really know how to explain it
but tabek spring at her mom!!!
i'm bad with sharp clinical metal shit
like their scalpel, scissors and stuff
because i always have a thought that they were so sharp they can cut you even if you slightly touch them
and i have serious problem with blood
real blood
but i have no probs with fake blood they use in the movie
yes, i know. i'm weird
so i told her
try to write a song about your mom
like (i came out with a brilliant tittle):
The Guardian Angel With A Knife
and she's............ scared
ok, there's nothing scary or psycho about that tittle ok
it's more like emo
so while she's still struggling with the lyrics i came up with a bits
it sound like this:

Guardian angel with a knife
Takes out my scar tissue and let the new one grows
Heal my wounded heart
And keep me from falling apart

smart, no?
i don't know my creativity level has been down this few weeks
oh wait
maybe there'll be a pic
next post
ciaou!! ^^
peace love music gaga

Sunday, July 18, 2010

errrrrrrrrrrrr................ whatever

so i followed this blog
Kami Sayang Kucing
and they post a lot of shit!!!
pnoh dashboard aku... hahahaha
well, no offense here
i love cats. really really love cats.
because they can understand their master more
like listening to them when they talk to you about their probs
and not bite their owner's hand when we try to belai2 them
hear that lucy!!!!!
ahem ahem
but their post is, like, so kindergarten-ish
no fact just story
story ntah paper plak tuh
the three musketeer la
kucingku dipatok ular dan matila.....
soooooooo retard!

so ak blk umah this week
but except for spending rm50 at the pcfair and eating at kenny rogers
i did nothing
i thought of watching eclipse
(it's kinda lame because maybe i'm the last person on earth still haven't watch it)
how cruel
you know
being umat di akhir zaman
one day is, like, an hour
u close ur eyes open ur eyes, close ur eyes open ur eyes
(literally: pejam celik pejam celik)
and then the day is over already
that still doesn't count sleeping, waiting for the red light to turn green, yawning, qeueing at the counter, tolerating some bitch on the road....
i'm becoming very rude nowadays
there's this one time ade sowang pompuan ni drive like %$@*& and i was like:
"u stupid bitch!!!!"
and aded couple ni brplok2an in the comuter and i was like:
"get a room!"
with an annoyed face
am i turning into some kinda outspoken bitch now?
i mean i always try to sound sarcastic
(because i always thought it was kinda funny)
without sounding rude or impolite
but just so u know
it's hard
what am i talking about again?
this is what u get when u have no idea what to blog about but u still feel the need of posting something on it because u don't want it to be berkepok....
wanna promote my dearest friend, fatin's blog on facebook
fatin, i totally understand this 'woman's hint' thingy ok?
don't worry babe *wink2*

p.s. i dare to said that woman a bitch because she had all her car windows closed and i'm pretty sure she won't hear me and about the comuter stuff, i just ckp dlm hati only.... muahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

love layali-san

before ak stat
nak thanx aten coz promote my blog
u're being too kind girl...
but don't expect me to promote ur blog

well tgh chat ngan kakak yg baek dri german niyh
die kte mgu lpas die tron kl tpi mlu nak kontek ak...
sdangkan bru mgu lpas aku tron kl kowt...
tpi g midvalley jek la....
she's soooo nice ^^
and she said she love malaysia and hate germany
i asked her why
because i sometime feel like i hate malaysia too (no offense here)
when i see pictures of other country and i was like:
"why can msia be that beautiful??"
i mean, like, wide grassland, beautiful mountains and stuff....
but she said it like she really mean it
like: "i hate germany" and "germany sucks totally"
and i asked her why
she said msia got lots of tech and entertainments
and she add
in german she can't even walk freely without someone bothering about her hijab
and she says people there is selfish
and only watch their own ass (yes, she cursed)
and she even considered staying and working here
she's soooooo fuckin sweet (yes, we both cursed a lot. sweet right?)
and it's kinda freaky
but she really understand me!!
can u hold for a sec?

"go to sleep lucy!!! ur attics is cute, like, the first ten thousand times i see it!! ugh!!"

interruption..... sorry. my hamster. hahahaha
where was i again?
u know people who, like talk a lot in the virtual world of online, doesn't talk too much in the real world right?
well, except for people i really2 know
so i tell her
she might be shocked to know i'm shy and quiet outside
although i speak a lot online
and she say it's ok
if she meet a shy person she'll talks a lot until that person will become comfortable
she's sooooo nice
she also give me her msia phone no so i can call her if she ever come here again
so sweet!!!!
i can't wait to hangout with u, sis layali-san!!
owh wait
she also said the only job she can do there with hijab is cleaner!!
that poun work with her brother jek
i hate discrimination like that!!
and she also said before she wears hijab she work as a manager at a telecommunication company!!!
well, i tell her if she wanna come here and work in malaysia i'll be welcoming her with an open arm ^^
and my sister said:
"u believe everything she said?"
wat do u think i am!?
i ain't naive!!!
ok maybe i've been lied to many times before like when the pakcik jual tiket bas don't give me my ticket although i had paid for it and then claim he already give me the ticket and i have to buy another one but i promise that would be the last time!!!
i swear!!!
plus, she seems nice....
maybe we should just wait and see

and hey!!
i forget to tell you
when in the comuter
i saw this two guys
they're like sooo kewl i think if i were a girl i'll definitely fall for them
that's a lil' weird
but i'm tellin the truth
they look sooo kewl
and this one cool scruffy guy kinda remind me of tyson ritter (if i spell his name right) of the all-american rejects
and then i look at myself
regular shirt... regular tak-basoh-sminggu jeans....
and i remember azrai said to me:
"tak ape. tu mmg stail ko. cam owang tue"
peace love music gaga....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

life's so confusing!!!

ugh this is soooo stupid
this is all because kakak post the pic of abah and mak on her blog
i mean, i'm all alone here in university
i can't go to my room and cry if i feel sad
(ahem2.. my roomate)
and the bathroom is far from my room
i hate it here!!!
this is so confusing!!
i felt happy just now but now i feel sad!!
i hate it........
and i just eat nasi goreng, megi cawan and oat to satisfy my midnight cravings
and now my stomach feel semacam after drinking this water from the water cooler which i suspects is actually a tap water but because the cafe only sell air kumbahan yang drawat which i'll never drink so i'm still going to drink this cold tap water although my stomach feel very uncomfortable right now....
the world hate me!!!
i miss my dad.... :'(

i dreamed a dream

can u guys guess what i see just now
man walking topless with an abs full of hair!!!!
it won't be that gross if the one that's walking is jacob black
or maybe daniel radcliffe
eww! eww! eww!!
this is what i say about having to tolerate boys behaviour
at least at matriculation they're not that matured to be that hairy!!!
delete this image from my mind please......

(1 minute and twenty-two fashion hits later.....)
hi guys!!!
it sucks u know when when u're not online the idea come mncurah2 on what to post on ur blog but when u online.... blank
so i just wanna share with u...
i went to the choir team audition...
it's really fuckin scary cause in that audition u have to sing a song of ur choice solo...
i've never sing in front of others before
and i only sing loudly at home when nobody's home
when i'm cleaning the house
(that usually followed by some dirty dancing involving the broom stick)
so it's like my very very very very very very first time.....
i'm sooooo nervous i think i'm gonna puke
but i made it!!!!!!!!!!!
in my solo i sang Mariah Carey's Hero
and i think they love ma sexy, sultry, beautiful voice
i'm tellin ya!
but they put me in the tenor
what a waste of talent
they should put me in the auto or the soprano
i can really reach the high not ok....
but tenor
they just sing 'normal' not....
i'm still grateful though
although my beautiful voice will sink in the voices of maybe hundreds of others in the choir team....
hey wait!!!
i still can't find a new crush here...
people here are boring.....
and i dream of my old crush last night
(don't think dirrty please..... ugh! u guys are sooo retard)
in that dream
i'm the villain and that particular person is a hero
and we're ex
kinda like gi joe u know....
sienna miller and channing tatum
sienna is channing's ex in the movie who turn into an evil villain
and channing is the hero in the movie
but deep inside they still love each other
so sienna and channing have to fight both their feelings and forces of evil..
everybody now: aaahhh......
so in my dream my crush is a clumsy (think: inspector gadget) hero with a, i can say, useless sidekick
and i'm like the coolest villain of all time with a, i can say, useless sidekick...... or maybe a team. i can't quite remember
so i fight my crush but at the same time i pity my crush because my crush is, well, my crush
i don't wanna embarassed my crush but why does my crush have to be sooo stupid?
i mean i have a reputation to keep here
well, that's all in my dream
i'm not the coolest person ever
and my crush is not a stupid person
but i woke up that morning with a smile
i was like, "if this is a movie it'll surely be a fuckin box office!!!"
i do have a lot of imagination...
like this one time i remember dreaming
hari kiamat is going on and i was like,
"oh shit! aku tak bertaubat lagi neyh!!"
and my mom was like so calm and said to my other siblings,
"taper2... kite da bertaubat"
i was soooo relieved it was only a dream
coz it was like fuckin real!
i was fuckin scared i think i'm going to do solat taubat on the spot!!
ok whatever guys
i'm sleepy already
peace love music gaga

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


when I enter matriculation college owang ckp it'll be the toughest of all
tpi I think compared to U life, matrics is, like, kindergarten
you have to do, like, everything here!!
why am I talking like I'm actually writing a formal essay?
look what've gotten into me.....

I really miss my friend at matrics
and it good to know that I'm actually not the only one
I mean, I don't wanna be the one people will say,
"move on, already, freak! u're not a kid anymore! toys can't talk and babies don't come from belly button" at....
that's why
I wish I am and will always be a kid

eating lemau chipsmore biscuits (blieve me they taste better once they're lemau)
listening to Glee-faithfully over and over again
and watching Fred Figglehorn to have a little laugh....
it's kinda weird it's a little boring here
I don't know people here don't match what I imagine before I came here
even my classmates
but I don't know maybe things will get better eventually
well, I met this kind senior name Joy
she's so sweet and I'll never give her my facebook address because I put my blog link in it and I don't want her to know I think her sweet
she keep saying she'll give me her old note
and I don't know how to response to that
should I say:
"you're soooo nice"?
what if she say:
"what you think I'm not nice ha?"
plus '"you're soooo nice" sound kinda gedik and weird right?
plus she's a girl and I'm a boy
"you're soooo nice" should never come out of my mouth
it has to be a little bit more manly like:
"thank you, miss."
errrr.... not?
so what should I say then?
but trust me, " you're sooo nice" is like the first thing that ever come to my mind
I mean since the first day she keep offering me her note
and saying I'm her direct(?) junior
because people keep saying, like, it's hard to approach senior
so I was like shocked when the senior actually approach me
ok ok. here's one more line that came across my mind:
"I don't know kind people like you still exists in this cruel world"
overreacted, eh?
I don't know
then I meet this girl, my classmate
she called herself Peng
but her real name is Syuhada
so I came out with a theory where 'peng' come from
so people are calling her 'syud' which sounds like 'shoot'
and when you shoot someone the sound is like 'peng!' right?
so that's my theory where the name Peng come from
intelligent, eh?
she kinda remind me of patty by the way she talk but she's less becok
so then the other guy in my class, Asri
quite quiet guy... dunno maybe kitorang ta skepale kowt...
oh, and he's from kelantan
would I sound racist if I say I don't wanna be friend with the malay student here because most of them are from utare and speak in strong accent and I don't wanna (tnpe disedari) follow their accent? you know, like, Madonna? speaking in fake Brit accent? so is it racist if I just befriend with the chinese or people from johor, kl or anywhere that don't have accent? waaaaaaaaaaa............ it's so confusing.....
but asri is quite nice and he didn't speak too pekat accent
and then my other classmate Pei Si
she looks confused
I don't know why... but she look confused
and kelam kabut like that larr...
hehehehe... so cute
errrrrrr.... forget what I just said
so this mean I won't be giving my facebook address to her too
tomorrow got no class
but I hhave nothing else to blog about
so till then
peace love music gaga

Sunday, July 11, 2010

after a week

hey guys, it's me again!!!!
long time no blog lorr...
so things here don't really go as my expectation
most of it
so after 1 week of motherfucking tiring orientation week,
let's mncarot marot maki hamun all about it!!!!
it's 12.41 now....

so first
my roomate
he talks in very weird accent arr
kjap2 "hangpa" is "kau", kjap2 "depa" is "kau"
"depa" tu bkan "korang" ke?
whatever roomate!!!!
you should join us Johorians and started dumping that weird accents of yours
our life is sooo much simpler
ahhh... I'm so thankful to God 4 making me a Johorian
and then he was too nice (read: nerdy)
aku igt ak akn dapat roomate yg giler2
now I miss my supadoopa annoying ex-roomate at matrics... :(
I mean it's not a bad thing that he's a nice person
but 4 some unknown reason he make me feels like a bad guy most of the time
and he talks with a volume almost mute!!!
he make me sounds like a deaf oldies going "ha?" each time he said something..
I hate it here!!!!
and there's a lot of bdak2 utare kat siney
I decided to only befriend with the Chinese so that I won't trikout2 their slang
sooooo scary bleyh x...
imagine ak balek umah and said this,
"lamo ambo tok balik ghumah... ghindu eh ghasonyo...."
I'm doing my fred-scream already so u should know that this is really2 serious!!!

plus, being in asrama means I actually have to cope with boys behaviour all over again like in matrics....
tomorrow classes start
course works
actually I have nothing more to babble about
so ciaou

Saturday, July 3, 2010


sedeyh giler...
aku da tataw nak ckp per da..
I'm so f**kin worry about my life kat U nnti..
tkout giler kalo taleyh survive..
da la tader geng...
and baru igt nak hangout ngan kakak....
kakak bru jek blk due mgu n due mgu tu jgakla sibok ngan preparation nk gi U niyh...
shait har!!!
pastu caner kalo dpt roomate yg trok?
da la stu blk pat owang pastu ktel double decker lak tu!!!
I'm scared arr..
well I'm quite a pessimist didn't I?
let see the bright side
well, I get the course that I've always wanted
and maybe I can make new stylish friend
soooo excited about that (think:Gossip Girl)
now I just have to get out of my very100x comfort zone
and go out there and shake the world!!!
ok, maybe the university only
or maybe just the double decker bed..... if i sleep on the top.
I just rase brat giler arr nak prgie....
and I haven't watch Eclipse and Sex And The City 2 yet...
I mean I tried to buy the pirated cd (I'm soo desperate)
but the quality is very10x low....
I wanna watch SATC2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bratnyer nak tglkan umah neyh...
rse sedeyh sgt.....
nseb baek arr pas ak abes blajo jdik ckg jek leyh ade bnyk cuti...

shit! I don't wanna go... ;((

owh shit
I just feel so tired and sad I don't really know what to post anymore
I'm feeling sad..
tomorrow I'll be sleeping on a different bed...
maybe an uncomfortable one...

Friday, July 2, 2010

I miss the old time (part 2) (part 1)

still a little bit unwell
ok, dats a lot of unwell actually
da nak msok u ni mcm2 lak halnyer.. hahahaha
so the sec. part of 'I miss the old time', eh?

first sori kalo content post ni mnyinggung mne2 pihak
I'm going to post it anyway :p

so I think I miss a lot of stuff in the first part
like the 1.10 spa, maggi feast and how I cried when taking my final sem 1 exam because my dearest buddy, mr. Tipsy left me.
so I'm going to make it more organized for the sec part

so I've always loove catfight
sem2 adela gak catfight so I think I'm going to rank the catfight of this sem.... tat ta-da....
3~me vs. crad
it's just a misunderstanding. ak hanto crad sms (yg ak rase biase2 jek) and then crad slh fahm. conclusion: ini sume slh crad! muahahahaha!!! but then akhrnye crad nk jgak maafkan ak stelah ak rasuah cokelat kat dier... hmmm...
2~hajar vs. zuey
so we all know that they're both very close partner-in-crime so what actually happened? tader sape taw sbab dowang brdue (especially zuey) sgt secretive owangnyer... huk huk huk (sedeyh ta dpt brgosip). tapi it all started mse ade sumber yg ckp downg nmpak zuey n hjr brgado which leads to hjr crying in the lecture hall and dowang ta rpt lgi since that.... hmm....
1~fatin vs. rafiqah
meowww!!! pas faiz ciaou group abba dowang mule brantakan. emy mule brkwn dgn abe aiman n then fatin stat prang dgn with rafiqah. the details still kinda blur. but it all ends after rafiqah ciaou mse awl sem 2... dgor kte ikout boyfren dier g uitm sgamat.. (gosip jap). hmmm.....

so mse sem 2 dowang stat pcahkn praktikum yg hjng2 untok bdak fzkal sbab bdak fzkal ni sket, ta rmai poun so ade tige owang bru msok ke praktikum kitowang..
hannah ni len sket cos dier ni seems smart n pndiam sket mse mule2 tpi bile dier da bkak mulot... lgi laser dri afeq!! ouchh!! ak da x igt plak contoh2 klaseran dier tpi tpi dier mmg laser arr. enuff said. hahahaha. tpi jgn men2 sme ini bdak. sgt pndai kowt dier niyh... genius. huhuhu
mamat ni suke psiko owang. hahahaha. bkan calang2 nyer psiko. i mean, owang yg brani psiko mr hardy should be given really extra credit 4 that. tpi mamat ni bek n sensitip owangnyer rupe2nyer... huhuhu
sokrang yg garang n tegas tpi caring sengsgt.. (i can't believe i'm talking like this). hahahaha. smpai kitowang sumer pgl dier mama. tpi dier ni resourceful owngnyer. ta mngharap bntuan owang len n so independent. besh gak arr ade die cos bleyh add colours to our praktikum yg pnoh ngan bdak2 yg kuwang matang pmikiran (trmasok ak). besh gak skali skale kne mrh... huhuhu

so for koko praktikum kitowng dpt puisidra. pnat kitowang brlatih siang mlm n yg pling serius bout all of this puisidra thingy of cos arr mama... huhuhu. besh tol bile trkenang blek time uh... huhuhu. and mse hri kitowng nk prform tu chaos giler!! hahaha. the last minute training and how syamir mrh2 ak cos i can't walk properly as a prison warden. ugh. buzz off, syamir. i can beat you with a single leg in a catwalk competition. muahahahahaha!!!
and then there was the annual dinner night. although collecting money from all these guys were a pain in the ass (like, all the time!) but the night went well. we're all having good times and that night jugak we're announced the winner of the puisidra!! we were all screaming like crazy tpi mama ade nmpak disappointed sket cos iqbal yg amek hdiah ats pntas. in the sense of provocation, i asked mama, "bkan ptotnyer ko yg amek ker?" (dgn tnduk yg mkin mmnjang) pastu mama dgn leyh brjoke lgi jwb, "tula... pnat setting lawo2 neyh". huhuhu.. hepi giler kitowang mlm tu...
pastu lina lgi skali bgi quote of the sem bile die ditegor oleh sokrang bdak karisma. mse tu kitowang tgh sronok2 amek gambo. lwat gak arr mse tu.. pastu dtg due owang dak karisma kt kitowang.sowang attack ak.. ak poun pe lgi cpat2 wat2 mcm ngah sibok brkemas. hahaha. scene bdak krisma tu dgn lina lebeyh kuang camniey arr:

krisma: nk brseronok tu ade msenye (nda suare agk garang). dah! balek2!!
lina: eleh. tak kan aku nk mngatal ngan betine pulak!?

mse tu bru ak trigat: "abes? ak ni ape?" (mse tu ak sowang jek dak laki2. bak kte owang thorn among the roses. hahaha) yg ade kt crime scene mse tu trmasok arr fida, crad, net, almas n sowang lgi spe ek....

ak rase cam da tls bnyk sgt plak. sok ak smbong la ea... nk bace naruto yg bru kuar ni dlu.. chow chin chow!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

bad day??

I don't know if part 2 will be coming anytime soon
I just wanna talk about today

first, rase tak sihat giler ariney
runny nose, feeling uncomfort in the nasal area..
typical sinus probs
had it, like, everytime I have flu or fever
but I can't never get used to it!!!
having this conditions is like worse than pms...

and then went to LHDN for some err... urusan
n then kena glak plak ngan abng kaunter uh (don't ask me why)
cube byangkan
kite kompius first time wat something
of course la we expect people to help and guide us kan?
but that motherfucking jerk.....
die siap boleh ajk kwn dier gelak same..
like this: "weyh @&*%$, ko tgok arr budak ni die nak... (muted dialogue)"
and then ak poun 'flaunt' my middle finger at him
and spit him in his face
and says: "fuck off. ur laugh sounds like goat having same sex sex and ur teeth soo yellow it'll slow the traffic down"
take that!!!
well, at least in my imagination...
aku sooo pissed ak blah dgn gaye diva seblom abng tu smpat hbeskan ape yg dier nak ckp..
I can take people making faces at me or alienated me
but nobody can make fun of me but myself
and maybe some other person that's close to me
I mean, what do I look like, some kinda big fat joke?
ok, maybe big and fat but I ain't a joke so if u don't want me to throw shit on ur face (figuratively) then don't throw ur shit at mine!! (figuratively and literally!!)

and then I went to the barber and dye my hair blonde
it's black.