Wednesday, June 2, 2010

not on my list ;p

dolu2 aku igt aku ade buat list about bende yang aku nak buat seblom aku, maybe, 80 or 70 ker... gitu ar... I've lost the list but it involve a lot of fairy-tale-like thingy (I know. that's soo gay, right?). but, whatever. I'm going to share it anyway and let my 6 followers laughing at me sambil cakap, "tolongla.... hahahahahaha"

so it contains something like this:
  • build a cottage on a grassland with small river flowing on my backyard.
  • live in somewhere where it'll be foggy in the morning.
  • experience a freezing post-winter spring on a mountain sides with the flowers freshly bloomed.
  • experience sunrise and sunset at Norway Fjords
there's many more but I can't quite remember... hmmm... all that moment is magical to me and sadly, you can't plan something magical and even if you plan it, you'll turn out to be disappointed. I mean, post-winter spring? flowers freshly bloomed? seeing the melted ice drip from the tip of the leaves? who am I? some kinda mother earth diva or something? the last one might not be that, hmmm, hard to achieve, i think. but I don't know... there's still a lot of things I want to do in this world and I hope I'll die or something happen before I can even try to achieve it so I don't end up being, "oh, I'm all old and smelly but I've achieve none of my dreams... my back! my back!". ~sigh~but as we grow up, dreams kept on catching us and say, "tag, you're it!" and we'll keep chasing them back (my, that's a nice statement. I might want to make it my facebook status later). hmmm.... as I grow up, too, I started developing new dreams, adding many more possibly impossible things on my list, like:

  • design a dress for lady gaga (don't ask me why)
  • write a song for taylor swift (stop asking me why)
  • be super rich and influential I can tell the whole world to stop abusing the animals and they'll listen like dogs taking order from their owner... muahahahaha!!! errr... ahem2.
and that's about it. impossible eh? and all the things that I put in my list, they have one very similarity (except for it is all rated 'impossible'); I wanna do it all alone. I didn't put 'getting married' or 'finding the love of my life'. like, duh... who would want that in life. people who wanted to get married is actually getting themselves prepared to be abused in terms of 'privacy policy'. they'll have to share everything from rooms, food and even toilet... ewww.... but if people ask me, "so do you believe in coupling?", I'll say, "hell no!!". coupling is far worst. at least people who were married, even if they were abused in that terms, they still have a... errmm... what they call it... 'status yang pasti' like that lah... but if you're a couple, you'll not just letting yourself being abused (maybe even sexually) in terms of privacy policy but you also don't have.. err.. 'status yang pasti'. errr... like that lah. hmmm... that's far more sucks!!

so, in conclusion, I'm not going to let myself being abused by some kinda motherf**king bitch who insists that sharing toilets is actually the way to each others heart. I'll stick to googling for Norway Fjords images and keep on playing 'tag you're it' with my dreams..... lalalalalalala