Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My tear shed tonight

ok... mood tonight: upset. really really upset.
aku baru je tangok video on how sorang prmpuan ni pijak anak kucing smpai mati!!
i know aku da mmbebel about it before
tapi tu gambo and now it is even worse! video!!
bcoz i'm sucks with technology so aku x reti mcm mane nk post it here
so mne2 kwn yang taw my facebook just watch it on my wall
I'm feeling really fuckin mad right now...
aku seriously x boleh watch the video until the end...
and worse?
I watch it while listening to the Glee soundtrack!!!
it just don't feel right especially when u're listening to Like A Virgin
nak aku mncarot lagi ker?
i just can't think of anything right now
it's really sad
please don't hurt animal... they're damn motherfucking innocent
they know nothing
they understand pain. they can feel pain.
but they can't stand up for themselves
they can't stand up againsts our machines.... weapons...
and in this case, our heels...
they don't know what to do
the best thing they can do
is continue living their life
with all the scars and pain
why can't these human beings understand?
what make them want to hurt these innocent animal sooo bad?
i really motherfuckin' don't know....
i really wish i could read their mind
so i can untangle their hatred........
at least maybe i can save those innocent creature..
i felt for them
sometime I even think God is unfair
for letting the kind one suffer more....
but there's a saying:
live miserably and die smiling
and I know God has for them a very lovely place in heaven
goodbye little creatures.....
your suffering will be paid with 10x delicacy, pleasure and all the good things