Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Me Love Chick-flick Best ^^

Tired. I'll make it short this time. I had promise myself I'll sleep early tonight because my sleeping time had gone reverse. And I had this major headache that I usually have when I had a pimple and it'll be followed by a minor fever. Sigh. That's me.

Ok. So I just finish watching The Killers a few hours ago. To be honest, I don't really know why I watch it. I'm no big fan of Katherine I'll-whine-until-I-get-a-good-script Heigl and to say that I watch it because of Ashton tweet-much-information Kutcher would be errr quite inappropriate for a guy. I'll blame it to the trailer then. Well, it is about normal girl, Jen (played by, duh, Kat Heigl) marrying a professional killer named Spencer (like, duh Ashton Kutcher, of course). Well, it is rather hard to call yourself a normal girl when two of the most important men in your life are a pro killer, right? That's what happen to Jen when she learned that her husband is a pro killer after her dad 'planted' (that is like 'hired') The Killers to kill his husband by turning everyone around his husband into a killer after his husband's boss turns bad and try to kill her dad. Whoaa... Too much killing going on here, dude. One of the reason I watch it also because it kinda reminisce Mr and Mrs Smith except there's no husband-wife killing each other in this movie. It was rather too short, too. Just when I starting to get all thrilled with all the killings, they kill it with somehow what they call it an ending. And the ending was rather lame. Not worth my money. I was expecting the same kinda adrenalin I had when watching Kickass or Avatar. It's different with Kickass actually. Long long time ago (not that long, just wanted to make it sounds dramatic), I was actually decided to watch Kickass because there's no other good movies left (except for Hooperz. They said it's actually quite decent) and I went into the movie theater with very low expectation but I went out feeling like slipping myself into a tight superhero suit and ready to kick some serious ass. That's what a good movie do to you: rule your mind. But with The Killers, I went into the movie theater with, well sorta, good expectation (curse you, trailer!) and ended up with my adrenaline 'killed'. And don't let me start on Prince of Persia too! And I remember watching this malay movie called 'Kecoh Betul' and damn it I swear to God that'll be the last time I'll ever watch malay movie at the cinema. I beg you, for God sake, please don't let me recall that.

Hmmm.... Maybe I should stick my chick-flick. Can't wait for Sex and The City 2!!!!
And since when do I start blogging about this movie stuff!!??