Monday, June 7, 2010

blah blah blah (when guys do girls talk)

3.28 am and just finish watching sex and the city the movie
yeah.... way too late right?
now i can't wait to watch sex and the city 2!!!
i wonder why i'm so into chick-flick
maybe it's in me. muahahahaha! (ape aku mrepek ni?)
yeah, i mean
confession of a shopaholic?
the leap year?
desperate housewives? gossip girl? ugly betty?
owh, I just wish my life is as fabulous as them
but things like that is hard to find here
suddenly tringat pulak at bunch of guys that me and my friends called SATC kat matriks dulu
well they're not that fabulous
and they wear cheap shoes too
and worst?
all of them wear the same shoes!!!! big OMG moment there...
what is this some kinda club or something??
hak hak hak
me and my friends always digging dirty gossips about these bunch of guys
(guys gossip too, so what!?)
ahhh... i miss those days
i miss afeq text massage that sounds like this:
"wey hawaw, nak turun makan x?"
what a true friend he is
chatting with azrai about all those (sis-you-know-what) stuff *giggle*
uncle scro with his attics
and then hangout together by the fish pond
gossiping, laughing together, taking picture, uploading it on facebook and penohkan notification aku until i don't even know where to even start.
sadly dowang tak bgi kitowang stay too long at matrics after the exam
we were dihalau kluar as soon as our exam was over
and our farewell party.. well there's not even a party at all
now we're all far away (not really far away just wanted to make it sounds dramatic) and we barely(actually never) hangout together again
i really miss giving that damn fish bread
maybe we're all not girlish enough?
to go screaming when we see a friend surprisingly surprise us by making a surprise appearance on our doorstep with others looking surprised?
ok now I'm merepek-ing
and that was a joke
i mean, the girlish thingy
nighties blogger ^^