Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I miss the old time (part 1)

three more days to go before i start a new chapter in my life
university chapter.
adoii... mals nyer... i felt like i have to do a lot of stuff here
fill a lot of fuckin form
and aku ta brape suke arr.. the fact that i can't spend more time with my sis...
my lovely new bed yg mseh berbau kedai.. ;p
but what i felt like malas the most to do is
finding and making new friends...
i totally friggin' sucks at that.

kalo tengok balik mase time matriks dulo..
i have a lots of very precious friends.. whom i'll always remember and cherish the memories until my last breath
first mase masok matriks dulo.. still hangout ngan afeq
mase first day tu mmg buntu tataw nak buat aper cos first time brjauhan dri umah n family..
rse sedeyh sgt..
n then there's afeq, my true (very laser one) friend...
and then msok mgu orientasi first2 day rse cam tader mood giler3..
muke monyok jek
n then ak tringat ade sowang bdak praktikum niyh (sowie giler aku lupe nme dier wlaupoun slaloo tgor mse kt matriks dlu) yg pastu tuko dri fizik ke hayat mse mlm first orientasi tu tgor ak n then ckp something about "mlm yg indah" or something like that
n then meet patty yg mulot kepoh abes tue ngan partner-in-crime dier, hajar
n then meet mentor, umie
pastu hri akhr orientasi aku igt lgi nak amek gambo dlm dwan rmai2 pastu marwan ckp ngan ak, "kuar jom. bnyk sgt muslimah arr kat cney"

pastu msok plak second intake
owng first yg ak prasan n then become one of my best-est fren ever, fifi.
mse mule2 msok tu muke dier msm gile mcm ibu oren sunquick!
tpi ak pahm gak arr mngkin dier ta suke msok cney cam ak gak an tpi pas dier kuarkan henpon mwah dier tu.. aku tros rase mcm, "dier ni mesti rich spoilt brat" ;p
tpi pastu slaloo hangout sesamer ngan afeq skali blajo sesame until dier kuo sbab nk masok ipg (sgop ko fifi!!) huhuhu
nnti arr aku citer pristiwe hitam (dramatik la plak) tu..

tpi first seblom ak meet fifi ak meet crad dlu
kat library
pompuan plng sporting pnah ak jumpe dlm hidop ak...
mse tu study ngan afeq kat library pastu ak ta pahm soklan niyh
afeq soh tnye kat crad tpi ak malu tkot crad igt ak ni bodoh ke per tataw jwb soklan senang... upe2nyer crad poun kompius.. hahahaha
pastu wat plak projek english sesamer...
mase tu knal lak ngan aze (yg garang) n almas (yg hepi go laki binik)
crad, lina n almas, tige owng ni yg ak da consider adek bradek bgi ak...

n then sbab ak slaloo lpak blk fifi jmpe lak ngan rumate2 dier yg sporting thp keting arr sng citer....
hai... rindunyer nk study pastu marah2 ko fifi...
bile arr lgi leyh wat gitu an?
mse dier blah tu ak ngah cuti sbab dmam pns n then pas ak balik matriks dgn suasane yg giler suram tu (sbab wbk h1n1) ak g survey blk dier katil dier poun da kosong...
sedeyh giler ak mase tu...
nseb baek ade crad, aze, almas mse tu...

owh tpi seblom fifi blah
patty dlu blah.. hahahaha (sowi x wat ikout kronologi... susah arr nk igt blek)
aku slalu gak lepak ngan patty ni sbab dier ni havoc owangnyer
slalu gak arr mkn tgh hari ngan patty n hajar
n then knal zuey plak mse buat projek dinamika
mse first2 tu ak igt budak zuey ni tak suke ak tpi rupe2nye beliau ini grounded orangnyer... hak hak hak
ta campor llaki bdak niyh
mulie sgoh budi pkertinye... huhuhuhu
pas patty blah (ak igt lgi zuey hdiahkn dier tli kasot!! ngee..) hjr ngan zuey poun tgllah brdue mneroskan pkatan partner-in-crime mreke..

n then tringat plak mse mule2 jumpe rock!!
mse kat library. fifi yg bgi nme mnje tu sbab gaye brjalan die yg smemangnye ala2 ahlong bukit beluntong datang mntak hutang!!! aiyaa!!!
tpi d sebalik prilaku nye yg rok trsebot. net ni sbenonye wnita mlayu sjati..
n then meet plak fida yg lmah lmbut n sopan santun gtu... (sem 1 jek la)
lupe plak bile frst time jumpe dier tpi agknyer mase lpak2 dpan library kowt..
igt nme bluetooth laptop dier: fidadida

n then pe lagi ek...
aze punye tagline of the year!!!
yg brbunyik sbegini: "KO PEHAL!!??"
yg diajukan kpade seseorang yg tdak dkenalinyer sjurus slepas owng tu ckp ngan lina: "bru balek outing ke?"
hahahaha... lina ni brutel btol arr...
ktike itu jgakla brputiknyer bunge2 cintan n jintan antare fifi n lina...
'romantik' btol.... huhuhu

pastu jumpe lak ngan azrai...
yg then jdik my best fren whom i shared my darkest secret with..
ade paper yg aku miss??

tagline mr hardy? "the door"?? (yg mnjadi ikutan dan ringtone rmaje2 ktike itu?)
or kumpulan abba f20: fatin, faiz, rafiqah and emy/penan
ataupoun pmergian faiz yg akhrnye mnaikkn jwtn ak jdik ktue praktikum? huhuhu
sengsare tol..

that's all la... for sem 1... pnat kowt nak tulis smpai 2 sem dlm stu post.. huhuhu
sem 2 nnti ak wat dlm post len arr next time
sem 2 lgi besh...
~ksah cinte yg brantakn antare bdak2 praktikum
~catfight (not one but two!!)
~bdak2 bru masok
~lecturer yg kewl.....
~pnubuhan group/gang baru...

huhuhu... till next time!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Left for Fate Sake

I remember when you say don't be sad
and I reply to you don't be mad
cause I just can't do that
When you leave you bring my heart along
and I started to listen to sad songs
Every future I imagine seems wrong
cause you're not in it

Death tear us apart like a sheet of paper
My tears flow like a heavy rain
in the middle of December
This heart so sorrow I can go insane
cause the only thing I'll remember
is the good times we had together

Maybe happiness had left me far behind
If only you know how much I love you
Would fate dare to separate us?
If only you know how much pain I endure
Would time try to fight it own flows?
I doubt that...

For how long?
I'll accompany my night with tears?
I'll accompany my day with gloom?
I want to walk straight again
I don't want to hunch in sadness anymore
but how can I do it
when you're hand don't hold mine?
walking this uncertain path of life together

I'll keep this sorrow a secret
Till we meet again
I'll continue faking flawlessly
becoming a very good actor on my own stage of life
Stage that God created for the both of us
before you left

Happy Father's Day

suffering from back pain!!!
brmaen laptop sambil mniarap
esok dpt katil baru.... ngee~
can't wait after spending two nights sleeping on the floor
but I feel kinda sad tonight...
I seriously can't figure out why
maybe it's this Father's Day shit
and the fact that I've not celebrate it long enough to forget when it is celebrated
I miss abah.....
I miss all the things we used to do together
I hate growing up
I hate the fact that time was never a friend of mine
and for some unknown reason I keep reminiscing all the memories
even the smallest bits of it
like all the fun thing abah do just hilangkan our kebosanan when we're on a long trip
he'll told us to spell the name of the shop we passed
and then he'll do some singing or silat to hilangkan ngantok
or give us teka teki
damn we can have fun, like, wherever we are
I miss all of the past
my past
I don't want any now
I want nenek, atok, bibik casmi, tok wok, abah.....
I want them all back like how we used to be
I hate now
I hate how even hari raya is gloomy for us
how we were like so don't know where to go the first day of hari raya and we end up watching tv dkat rumah instead
it hurt everyday.......
it hurt to see mom working sooo hard just to put a smile on our face
how excellently she hides her sorrow
happy father's day, mom

Friday, June 18, 2010

thank God...

long time no blog
on tv3 is lara croft
watching Angelina Jolie on her zaman kegemilangan and then imagining Kim Kardashian trying to do the same
the stunts, that attitude.... and most of all, that skin tight suit...
now that remind me of Angelina Jolie's latest flick, Salt
looking forward in watching that
as much as I'm looking forward to watch Sex and The City 2 and Eclipse

hmmm..... but can I watch it before i enter university?
gasp! university!
huhuhu.... I seriously don't know how to respond to this university thingy
mom is like 100xx more excited than me~
I'm like, fucking nervous here
making new friend is soooo not my thing
and mcm mane kalo i couldn't find anyone sekepale with me?
but on the other hand
I'm happy because I get the course that i want
and the university that offer the course is not so far from home too
maybe this is a stepping stone for me
like a first step
for me to become a wholly independent man
living my dream live all by myself
score in the course I'm taking
score a good job (good pay, lots of holiday: teacher)
buy an apartment
and collect money because after I've retired i wanna go and travel across the world!!
hmmm.... what a long-term goal

nothing else to be blogged about

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My tear shed tonight

ok... mood tonight: upset. really really upset.
aku baru je tangok video on how sorang prmpuan ni pijak anak kucing smpai mati!!
i know aku da mmbebel about it before
tapi tu gambo and now it is even worse! video!!
bcoz i'm sucks with technology so aku x reti mcm mane nk post it here
so mne2 kwn yang taw my facebook just watch it on my wall
I'm feeling really fuckin mad right now...
aku seriously x boleh watch the video until the end...
and worse?
I watch it while listening to the Glee soundtrack!!!
it just don't feel right especially when u're listening to Like A Virgin
nak aku mncarot lagi ker?
i just can't think of anything right now
it's really sad
please don't hurt animal... they're damn motherfucking innocent
they know nothing
they understand pain. they can feel pain.
but they can't stand up for themselves
they can't stand up againsts our machines.... weapons...
and in this case, our heels...
they don't know what to do
the best thing they can do
is continue living their life
with all the scars and pain
why can't these human beings understand?
what make them want to hurt these innocent animal sooo bad?
i really motherfuckin' don't know....
i really wish i could read their mind
so i can untangle their hatred........
at least maybe i can save those innocent creature..
i felt for them
sometime I even think God is unfair
for letting the kind one suffer more....
but there's a saying:
live miserably and die smiling
and I know God has for them a very lovely place in heaven
goodbye little creatures.....
your suffering will be paid with 10x delicacy, pleasure and all the good things

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shoo Shoo

I got some troubles but they won't last
I'm gonna lay right down here in the grass
And pretty soon all my troubles will pass
'cause I'm in shoo-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo
Shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo Sugar Town

I never had a dog that liked me some

Never had a friend or wanted one
So I just lay back and laugh at the sun
'cause I'm in shoo-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo
Shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo Sugar Town

Yesterday it rained in Tennessee

I heard it also rained in Tallahassee
But not a drop fell on little old me
'cause I was in shoo-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo
Shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo Sugar Town

If I had a million dollars or ten

I'd give to ya, world, and then
You'd go away and let me spend
My life in shoo-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo
Shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo Sugar Town

*Sugar Town... I caught Zooey Deschanel (really love her and her sister, Emily!!!) singing it in 500 Days Of Summer (my current fav movie). This is one song that'll shoo you away, I'd say. hahaha.... hmmmm....... Is it possible if we do nothing all our problems would go away just like that? Everyday I wish I could do that, Maybe because I'm lazy or maybe because I'm just tired. People come and go in our life and when they go they leave this big shit in our heart. They call it the 'miss' or the 'all the good time we had together'. Why did they leave this shit only when they left? Well maybe because you can only leave a footprint once you had pass a particular place right? You step on it and you just leave it like that, most off the time without even looking back. Maybe I should pull this 'sho-sho-sho-sho-sho-sho-sugar-town' kinda attitude.... Just taking live as easily as you can. Lying on those grass and let even a total stranger passer by step on you, leaving the marks. Hahahahaha. Life. What a joke*

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Me Love Chick-flick Best ^^

Tired. I'll make it short this time. I had promise myself I'll sleep early tonight because my sleeping time had gone reverse. And I had this major headache that I usually have when I had a pimple and it'll be followed by a minor fever. Sigh. That's me.

Ok. So I just finish watching The Killers a few hours ago. To be honest, I don't really know why I watch it. I'm no big fan of Katherine I'll-whine-until-I-get-a-good-script Heigl and to say that I watch it because of Ashton tweet-much-information Kutcher would be errr quite inappropriate for a guy. I'll blame it to the trailer then. Well, it is about normal girl, Jen (played by, duh, Kat Heigl) marrying a professional killer named Spencer (like, duh Ashton Kutcher, of course). Well, it is rather hard to call yourself a normal girl when two of the most important men in your life are a pro killer, right? That's what happen to Jen when she learned that her husband is a pro killer after her dad 'planted' (that is like 'hired') The Killers to kill his husband by turning everyone around his husband into a killer after his husband's boss turns bad and try to kill her dad. Whoaa... Too much killing going on here, dude. One of the reason I watch it also because it kinda reminisce Mr and Mrs Smith except there's no husband-wife killing each other in this movie. It was rather too short, too. Just when I starting to get all thrilled with all the killings, they kill it with somehow what they call it an ending. And the ending was rather lame. Not worth my money. I was expecting the same kinda adrenalin I had when watching Kickass or Avatar. It's different with Kickass actually. Long long time ago (not that long, just wanted to make it sounds dramatic), I was actually decided to watch Kickass because there's no other good movies left (except for Hooperz. They said it's actually quite decent) and I went into the movie theater with very low expectation but I went out feeling like slipping myself into a tight superhero suit and ready to kick some serious ass. That's what a good movie do to you: rule your mind. But with The Killers, I went into the movie theater with, well sorta, good expectation (curse you, trailer!) and ended up with my adrenaline 'killed'. And don't let me start on Prince of Persia too! And I remember watching this malay movie called 'Kecoh Betul' and damn it I swear to God that'll be the last time I'll ever watch malay movie at the cinema. I beg you, for God sake, please don't let me recall that.

Hmmm.... Maybe I should stick my chick-flick. Can't wait for Sex and The City 2!!!!
And since when do I start blogging about this movie stuff!!??

Monday, June 7, 2010

blah blah blah (when guys do girls talk)

3.28 am and just finish watching sex and the city the movie
yeah.... way too late right?
now i can't wait to watch sex and the city 2!!!
i wonder why i'm so into chick-flick
maybe it's in me. muahahahaha! (ape aku mrepek ni?)
yeah, i mean
confession of a shopaholic?
the leap year?
desperate housewives? gossip girl? ugly betty?
owh, I just wish my life is as fabulous as them
but things like that is hard to find here
suddenly tringat pulak at bunch of guys that me and my friends called SATC kat matriks dulu
well they're not that fabulous
and they wear cheap shoes too
and worst?
all of them wear the same shoes!!!! big OMG moment there...
what is this some kinda club or something??
hak hak hak
me and my friends always digging dirty gossips about these bunch of guys
(guys gossip too, so what!?)
ahhh... i miss those days
i miss afeq text massage that sounds like this:
"wey hawaw, nak turun makan x?"
what a true friend he is
chatting with azrai about all those (sis-you-know-what) stuff *giggle*
uncle scro with his attics
and then hangout together by the fish pond
gossiping, laughing together, taking picture, uploading it on facebook and penohkan notification aku until i don't even know where to even start.
sadly dowang tak bgi kitowang stay too long at matrics after the exam
we were dihalau kluar as soon as our exam was over
and our farewell party.. well there's not even a party at all
now we're all far away (not really far away just wanted to make it sounds dramatic) and we barely(actually never) hangout together again
i really miss giving that damn fish bread
maybe we're all not girlish enough?
to go screaming when we see a friend surprisingly surprise us by making a surprise appearance on our doorstep with others looking surprised?
ok now I'm merepek-ing
and that was a joke
i mean, the girlish thingy
nighties blogger ^^

Sunday, June 6, 2010

crad!! nnti ak upload gambo ;p

dancin to La Roux's Bulletproof.
hmmmm... more like dirty dancin actually. whateverlah!
that's all I do during this long holiday before I enter university
can't wait to meet new friends (sooo darjah satu punye karangan LOL), get annoyed and..... jeng jeng jeng
have new crush! hohoho
by then maybe aku akn tulis mende2 yg lebeyh brmakne (aka jiwang) kat blog niyh
maybe even write a song
but for now I'm just going to talk craps until people say, "wow... tak sangke dier camniey"
paper jek la...
suddenly aku teringat plak ngan crad (pronounce si-rad)
hanging out with her at bpmall last....errmmm... last saturday kowt
yesterday! hahahaha
ngan adek dier..... errrmmm... haziq ker hasif ker gitu la nmenyer
muahahahaha (aku tls camniey sbab ak taw ko bce blog aku crad!)
lgi skali... muahahahahaha!!!
pastu dier ckp nak blikan ak hamster
pastu ak ngan muke kompius tnye ar die, "lu pehal!? nak blikn gua hamster plak?"
ngan gaye cool lagi brgaye
pastu crad ngan tkot2 jwb ar, "maaf tuan lokman... saye rase kesian tgk tuan lokman bru khilngn hamster... saye nges bace post2 tuan lokman kat facebook ngan blog niyh... ishk3.." sambil mngesat air mtenye yang mngalir ngan bntal pelok brbentok caterpillar yg djual d grai brhmpiran... (dptkn d psrn skarang!!)
ak dlm hati seraya brkate ngan nada bangge, "waaahhh... ade gak yg ter-efek ngan post2 ak yg mncarot lagi mngarot trsebot. hohohoho"
pastu ak mmndang crad smbil brkate ngan gaye ala2 hero filem mlayu klasik, " tak mngapa crad. wlaupoun hatiku trgores dan mnang(?) akibat khilangan panda, tatapi aku tatap mrelakan pmergiannya"
crad poun knon2 mmberi alsan untok mmbasoh tgn slepas mngambek chicken chop adeknye tros brlari2 anak untok ke tndas brhmpiran. ak taw crad sbenonye nak mnanges trharu ngan statement ak sbentar tdi tpi ak wat kewl jek. biase2 jek la kan?
tu jek la aku nak ckp mlm niyh

p.s: mrepek suda.... ;p

Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm a squashed fruit, so what!!??

I love Bella Swan. I just love her attitude. The I'm-miserable-because-I-just-can't-live-normally-although-I-live-in-somewhere-called-Forks-with-my boring-dad kinda attitude. Sometime, ok, most of the time I just wanted to be like her. She just think about herself. Well, she's the one dating all the monsters here but... I just don't know.. it seems cool to be a squashed fruit, ignoring everyone around you and just live your life to the min. Get it? I want to be a squashed fruit. Is it wrong to think that your life's miserable? I mean, at least Bella had a 100-something-years-old vampire going crazy over her (surprisingly not for blood) and a hunky werewolf who would do anything to get her (surprisingly not for flesh) and she have a beautiful pair of legs!!! But me? What do I have? I'm not good looking. I talk to my hamster as if they could understand me while they're busy biting the cage and eating their own poops. I'm the one who's miserable here. I know I can't get anything(or maybe anyone) I like so I gave up and act like it's some kinda rebellious act. I've been acting very cold instead of cool. Sometime I just want the world to resolve around me. I want to be invinsible. No one to care and no one to be cared. But acting like that when I'm surrounded by other people would be rather annoying. It's hard when other people's perception matters when they're not the one filling our shoes. And sometime they don't even know us! ugh! Annoying!

I'll pick none of it

funny. I'm currently listening to songs once I heard and say, "gross! I'll never listen to that!". hmmm... it varies from Faith Hill's There You'll Be, Martina Mcbride's I Just Call You Mine and the most embarrassing? Bette Midler's Wind Beneath My Wings. why, you ask? well those songs are kinda beautiful. hmmm.... and the rest I blame it to my hormone. hmmm.... whatev.

so someone asked me this question on

Let say u hav 2 choices: 1)An angelic beauty who u hav been dreaming of all ur life but sumhow lack of intelligence(shallow minded) 2)An average young woman with adequate beauty,attitude and intelligence Who wud u marry? Think real deep. Answer honestly.

why did I publish it here? well, I kinda like this question. beauty and brain. which one to choose? people usually ask this question to guys and the guys will answer, "of course brain. why would I make myself look stupid by saying beauty? but I can make myself look more intelligent by saying 'both' but that's too cliche and somehow it sounds gay-ish so I'll stick to brain.". hmmm....

why did I like this question? just to prove I'm a little bit different from guys out there. ok, I'm a freak, so what!? of course I'll choose the one with more brain(figuratively) than beauty.but unlike many other guys out there, I don't just say it base on nothing. I love girls who wear big funny specs with her hair covering her face, walking with that hunching posture like the world doesn't seem to notice her. I don't know why my idea of a perfect girl is so weird. hmmm... how did I explain this? I don't know... they seem to be the one who needs love best. get it? plus, I'd rather be with an average girl rather than the most popular girl in town. I think girl like that is made for horny guys and will be fated to live a miserable, lonely life. (now who's shallow here? or maybe i just watch too much You Belong With Me video clips)

to people who'll be reading this, they might go, "what the...." whatever-lah! what's wrong with adequate beauty anyway? as long as they have fair complexion, don't wear knee-length socks and wool knitted cardigan, it'll be ok with me. healthy hair would do too. and what with this person asking me with whom I'm wanted to be married with? it would be better if this person ask me, "who wud u rather be wit?". hmmm.... I think I know who ask me this question based on that english... and for the record, I don't dream about someone shallow-minded. muahahahaha!!! matter fact I've not dream of anyone since the last, like, four hours! how about that!!?? huh!

so, in the end, what is the real reason I choose women with brain? enough with the question already! you know why!

ps: to be truth, I'm still too young and rebellious to answer that question so sorry if I talk craps! ;p

Thursday, June 3, 2010

year end fashion review (teaser)

so it's June already and I can't wait to do my year end fashion review. God, I love fashion blogging! but till then, here's some dress that I can assure you I'll put it in my list of Top Fashion Hits of 2010. well, at least until I find something more fabulous dress to put in that list. Enjoy..^^

~Alicia Keys took a risk and can look as if she just walks out from a pile of rubbish with piles of pieces of paper being glued to her. But she works this dress just right and my, it's a work of art!

~This vintage dress Michelle William was wearing really caught my attention. Maybe because of her new pixie do. One of my favourite.

~This girl is surely going to make it on my list! To be honest, Diane Kruger can wear a potato sack and she'll still make it to my list. Love her so damn much!!!

~What is fashion without drama right? Sarah Jessica Parker prove just that in this bulky Alexander Mcqueen creation and one attention-seeking headpiece.

~I don't know if it is the dress or simply because she have an amazing body but Camilla Belle sure rocks this pink frock! She'll be on my list too.

~K aty Perry in this red striped dress is just too hot to not make it on my list. I heart that equally red-hot clutch!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

not on my list ;p

dolu2 aku igt aku ade buat list about bende yang aku nak buat seblom aku, maybe, 80 or 70 ker... gitu ar... I've lost the list but it involve a lot of fairy-tale-like thingy (I know. that's soo gay, right?). but, whatever. I'm going to share it anyway and let my 6 followers laughing at me sambil cakap, "tolongla.... hahahahahaha"

so it contains something like this:
  • build a cottage on a grassland with small river flowing on my backyard.
  • live in somewhere where it'll be foggy in the morning.
  • experience a freezing post-winter spring on a mountain sides with the flowers freshly bloomed.
  • experience sunrise and sunset at Norway Fjords
there's many more but I can't quite remember... hmmm... all that moment is magical to me and sadly, you can't plan something magical and even if you plan it, you'll turn out to be disappointed. I mean, post-winter spring? flowers freshly bloomed? seeing the melted ice drip from the tip of the leaves? who am I? some kinda mother earth diva or something? the last one might not be that, hmmm, hard to achieve, i think. but I don't know... there's still a lot of things I want to do in this world and I hope I'll die or something happen before I can even try to achieve it so I don't end up being, "oh, I'm all old and smelly but I've achieve none of my dreams... my back! my back!". ~sigh~but as we grow up, dreams kept on catching us and say, "tag, you're it!" and we'll keep chasing them back (my, that's a nice statement. I might want to make it my facebook status later). hmmm.... as I grow up, too, I started developing new dreams, adding many more possibly impossible things on my list, like:

  • design a dress for lady gaga (don't ask me why)
  • write a song for taylor swift (stop asking me why)
  • be super rich and influential I can tell the whole world to stop abusing the animals and they'll listen like dogs taking order from their owner... muahahahaha!!! errr... ahem2.
and that's about it. impossible eh? and all the things that I put in my list, they have one very similarity (except for it is all rated 'impossible'); I wanna do it all alone. I didn't put 'getting married' or 'finding the love of my life'. like, duh... who would want that in life. people who wanted to get married is actually getting themselves prepared to be abused in terms of 'privacy policy'. they'll have to share everything from rooms, food and even toilet... ewww.... but if people ask me, "so do you believe in coupling?", I'll say, "hell no!!". coupling is far worst. at least people who were married, even if they were abused in that terms, they still have a... errmm... what they call it... 'status yang pasti' like that lah... but if you're a couple, you'll not just letting yourself being abused (maybe even sexually) in terms of privacy policy but you also don't have.. err.. 'status yang pasti'. errr... like that lah. hmmm... that's far more sucks!!

so, in conclusion, I'm not going to let myself being abused by some kinda motherf**king bitch who insists that sharing toilets is actually the way to each others heart. I'll stick to googling for Norway Fjords images and keep on playing 'tag you're it' with my dreams..... lalalalalalala

Wind Beneath My Wings

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
It must have been cold there in my shadow,
to never have sunlight on your face.
You were content to let me shine, that's your way.
You always walked a step behind.

So I was the one with all the glory,

while you were the one with all the strength.
A beautiful face without a name for so long.
A beautiful smile to hide the pain.

Did you ever know that you're my hero,

and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

It might have appeared to go unnoticed,

but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.

Did you ever know that you're my hero?

You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Did I ever tell you you're my hero?

You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Oh, the wind beneath my wings.

You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings.
Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.

Fly, fly, fly high against the sky,

so high I almost touch the sky.
Thank you, thank you,
thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.

*I dedicate this song to two of the most inspirational women in my life; kakak and mak. huhuhu..
the lyrics is so beautiful... and to kakak, I know u'll read this, good luck for your exam!!!! chaiyok2!!! gambatte!!! fightin!!! huhuhu... wlaupn kakak suke hang up mase ngah skype pastu tuduh man yg hang up tpi man ta kesah.. kite lupeknla sje kisah nan lalu an? an? an? huhuhu..
I'll be the wind beneath your wings anytime... ;) enjoy*