Tuesday, April 20, 2010

10 Things That (maybe) You Don't Know About Me

  1. i'm a clean person but i'm not a tidy person. figure out what that means yourself.
  2. i think one of my ear is almost deaf. i can barely hear a thing when i close the other ear. and i blame my sinus problem and the operation i went trough when i was seven for it.
  3. have already mention it. i had a minor ear operation when i was seven and because i'm still small at that time i don't really know (or care) what is it for and the only thing i remember is i don't think i'm sick at that time.
  4. i'm a fanatic fan of chocolate, cheese, babies, shiny and sparkling stuff, naruto and lady gaga.
  5. i grows up wanting to be (chronologically): a firefighter, policemen, singer, veterinarian, physiologist, a cook, and many more that i lost count but i figured out maybe i'm best at being a regular teacher.
  6. i'm a shopaholic. maybe people who knows me don't or won't see it now (or maybe they already had) because i still don't have a stable income and (that prreecioouussss) credit card but once i have it..... well, let just say i'm not the kind of person who'll think twice in buying something i love (whether i need it or not).
  7. i'm a sensitive person (maybe too sensitive) and sometime i wish i can be someone who just don't care.
  8. i'm a very forgetful person. i'm like the kind of person who'll ask "where's my shoes at?" when i'm actually wearing them and "where's my phone?" when it is actually in my hand. i lost count of the things that i've lost...oh, an i'm an unorganized person.
  9. i love attention! although i really really hate spotlights, i'm the kind of person who cares too much about whether people cares about me or not. maybe that's why i hurt, like, so many times in my life. like i said earlier, i just wish i can become someone who don't all.
  10. eerrrr....this thing is too shocking and too personal to be told so i'll keep the secrets remain. plus, a secret makes a person a person, right?
ok, that's about it... till next time!